
Post 5: A Person that I admire

  According to Google, admiration means to feel a very positive valoration of a person or thing for its extraordinary qualities... To be honest, I feel admiration for my Profe Pacheco or Pachecosaurio, as we call him, but not for his extraordinary qualities, but rather for all the things he did and does throughout his life, for all the good relationships with other people he made, the things he taught me, like never giving up and always keeping a persistent attitude, and all the advice he gave me has been very useful.  He in high school, made me upset a lot of times, but he also often helped me to develop skills, like public speaking, developing patience, leading a team and etc. Mr. Pacheco, well, Profe Pacheco is an adult that I can trust. And what I like the most, is that he knows that I LOVE all kinds of food, so, every time my high school friends and I visit him, he takes us out for eat sushi, pizza or Korean food (only once did he do it), etc. But those outings make me very very h

Post 3: My Favorite Piece of Technology

  Hi, I hope you are feeling good. Well, today I’m going to talk about my favorite piece of technology: the smartphone. The two things that I like most are listening to music and taking pictures. Both, are available on smartphones. The smartphones are my favorite…because it’s not too big, like a computer, neither too small as an mp3. With it, I can take pictures (without much quality), listen to music on youtube, contact my friends and family; but I don’t use it for reading (like books or stuff like that), because I prefer to read things that are on paper. Reading a lot on the screen burns my eyes. The smartphone is a good tool for this century, but as a student I using more my computer for the things of University, but the computer are not my favorite piece of technology. I would recommend the smartphone only if you want to be in contact with the people that you need to stay in contact, and if you like take pictures as a hobby, but you don’t have enough money, maybe I would recommend

Post 2: Why did I choose my major?

When I was a child, my dream job was be a fashion designer, because I did like to draw and paint dresses. Well, I saw my draws and they don´t look really good as I reminded. However, two weeks before taking the entrance exam (PDT), I investigated a lot of majors, and one of them that I really liked was Ingenería Civil en Biotecnología, but that major doesn't have a job offer in Chile. So, I decided to study Chemistry and Pharmacy major in the Universidad de Chile, for two reasons, the main reason was that this college it's too close to my home, and the other, is because I realized I am always (well not all the time) looking, reading and searching the information leaflet of medicaments that I found in my home, before I knowing about the Chemistry and Pharmacy major. So that's why I'm studying this, and it has been a beautiful experience (yeah, of course) and days and nights of fully effort, courage and giving thanks for everything.

Who I am?

Hi everyone!  This is my first post on a blog, so here is a presentation about me... My name is Josefa, but some people call me "Jo", I am a student of the Universidad de Chile. I was born in Santiago, Chile, and I still living there, but actually I would really like to go to live at the South of Chile. I am the older of three children. I have one little sister and one little brother. They make me sometimes so happy, but on the other hand, they got me a headache. I am biggest fan of eating sweats food, first of all, brownies, chesscakes and ice cream. Im not a biggest fan of any group of music, but I like metal symphonic music, j-rock music and kpop music.  I love my family and I also really enjoy Saturday's, because our family meeting with other people to talk about the biblie, but not a religious way. And that's all, I hope you enjoyed this firts view of my blog. Bye bye